Invite team members

Add additional team members to your company's account via the GAPTEQ-Portal and assign appropriate rights to work together efficiently.

1. Invite new team member and assign permissions

  • Log in to the GAPTEQ-Portal with your access data and select your company.
  • In the menu bar on the left, under “Team”, you will first find a list of all members who are already assigned to the company and can add another member under “Invite Team Member”


  • Enter the e-mail address and the required data and select under “Roles” which rights you would like to give the invited person.
You can choose from:
    • Company administrator
    • Licensing tasks
    • Modify company data

Tip! As a company administrator, you can also remove team members here (the user's GAPTEQ account is not deleted, only the assignment to the company is removed), change roles and notification settings for a team member or invite a team member.

  • In the next step, under “Notifications”, specify whether the invited person should be informed automatically by e-mail about the following topics:
    • Receive GAPTEQ server messages (notifications from all servers in subscriptions, information, warnings and errors)
    • Receive GAPTEQ Licensing and Payment messages (notifications from all subscriptions, licenses, invoices and reminders)


Note! It is also possible to receive emails without selecting a role.

For example, a contact person from the accounting department can be defined to only receive information on invoices and reminders.

2. Confirm account

The invited team member will now be informed of your invitation by e-mail. 

  • They must accept the invitation by clicking on “Confirm account”.

Note! By clicking, the invited team member confirms the assignment and linking of their GAPTEQ user (account) to the corresponding company on the GAPTEQ portal (login to the GAPTEQ portal required).

An invitation is active for 24 hours and expires if it is not accepted.

  • If no GAPTEQ user (account) exists for the invited e-mail address, the invitee will be asked to complete their contact details and can create the corresponding GAPTEQ account by clicking on “Confirm”.

Our tip! We advise companies that hold a BUSINESS license to have at least two active users (accounts) in the company assignment. This ensures that all relevant information finds its way to you even during vacation periods or when an employee leaves the company.