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System requirements

The following information applies to the current GAPTEQ version. Information on the current release can be found in the GAPTEQ portal under Downloads.

In this article you can read the following content: 




Supported Web browsers



Operating system

Server operating system: Windows Server 2019 or higher.

Desktop operating system: Windows 10 or higher. The Windows EULA limits the number of simultaneous connections to desktop operating systems (20 under Windows 10) and prohibits further connections if the number of simultaneous users is exceeded.

Software requirements

The .NET Framework 4.8 is required (is installed automatically by the setup. A restart may be necessary).

Port 8098 must be opened for incoming connections. Check your firewall or any installed system protection software.


The hardware requirements for a higher number of users depend heavily on the type of use and must be estimated individually. In this case, please contact us at support@gapteq.com.


Operating system

Server operating system: Windows Server 2019 or higher.

Desktop operating system: Windows 10 or higher.

Software requirements

Das .NET Framework 4.8 ist erforderlich (Wird vom Setup automatisch installiert. Ggf. ist ein Neustart erforderlich).

Notiz! Wenigstens ein Rechner auf dem der Designer installiert ist benötigt Internetzugriff (für die Lizensierung des GAPTEQ Servers).

At least one computer on which the Designer is installed requires Internet access (for licensing the GAPTEQ server).

Hardware requirements

Dual core processor, 1.7 GHz, 4GB RAM, 1GB freier Festplattenplatz.


Operating system

Server operating system: Windows Server 2019 or higher.

Desktop operating system: Windows 10 or higher. The Windows EULA limits the number of simultaneous connections to desktop operating systems (20 under Windows 10) and prohibits further connections if the number of simultaneous users is exceeded.

Software requirements

The .NET Framework 4.8 is required (is installed automatically by the setup, a restart may be necessary).

Internet Information Services (IIS) are activated automatically.

Hardware requirements
Hardware requirements for small systems (up to 50 users).

Quad core processor, 2.0 GHz, 8GB RAM, 1GB free hard disk space.

The hardware requirements for a higher number of users depend heavily on the type of use and must be estimated individually. In this case, please contact us at support@gapteq.com.

Supported Data bases

The following databases can be used with GAPTEQ 4.3:

  • SQL database in Microsoft Fabric

Note! SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric are only compatible with GAPTEQ 4.3.

  • PostgreSQL from version 12
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or higher
  • MySQL 5.6 or higher (Requires MySQL .NET Connector)

Please note!

Due to a restriction in the .NET Data Provider (MySQL .NET Connector), output parameters are currently not supported for MySQL.
The dimensioning of the database must match the number of users working with GAPTEQ. If you have any questions, please contact your database provider or consultant.

Supported web browsers 

Desktop Browser

Microsoft Edge

Safari – two latest versions (excluding Safari for Windows)

Firefox – two latest versions

Google Chrome – two latest versions

Opera – two latest versions


Integrated browsers in mobile operating systems:

Android 5+

iOS 10+