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Start with GAPTEQ BUSINESS version (Cloud)

Deploy GAPTEQ in the cloud version via the GAPTEQ portal in just a few steps and start directly with your individual solution or be inspired by the GAPTEQ SAMPLE APPS as sample applications.

1. Deployment via the GAPTEQ-Portal 

  • In the GAPTEQ-Portal, go to “Licensing” in the left-hand menu bar and then click on the “Go to licensing wizard” button.
  • Follow the instructions of the licensing wizard and
    • enter your desired domain,
    • select your desired database option,
    • enter the relevant subscription details (monthly / annual payment, desired number of users if applicable)
    • enter / complete your company details and billing information
    • check the contents of your order, confirm the applicable terms and conditions and order the GAPTEQ BUSINESS version (Cloud) for a fee by clicking on the “Order now for a fee” button.
  • You will receive an e-mail to your e-mail address stored in the GAPTEQ portal, informing you as soon as your GAPTEQ BUSINESS-Version is ready for use. 

2. Start in the GAPTEQ Designer

  • After you have deployed your GAPTEQ BUSINESS-Version, you will see your access data directly in the GAPTEQ portal following the licensing wizard, which you can use to connect to your cloud instance in the GAPTEQ Designer.

Tip! You can also find your personal access data at any time in the GAPTEQ portal under the “Subscriptions” tab. 

  • Now open the GAPTEQ-Designer and start a new repository (Open repository) via the main menu.
  • Finally, enter the access data you have received in the “Open repository” window. 

Note! If you do not yet have a GAPTEQ-Designer, you can download it at any time via the GAPTEQ-Portal.